Research blog: Commercial Conventions

Research: commercial conventions and codes My group is doing a commercial in a record store . The audience usually sees people walking around the store or enjoying the music from the records. - I ncludes colorful visuals/graphics (often sticking to one specific Triadic/ complementary color scheme ex: red, blue, yellow) - M ost of these commercials took place in the ’90s and can be described as” vintage ” - T here is a very upbeat moo d/ setting. - T here are voiceovers and music in the background most of the time - P rops include records, cassettes, CDs , turn tables , and sometimes instruments and posters. They advertise their products by using shots and close-ups and pans of the interior of the store that show case the shelves the vinyls are on - T hey often name famous band records they have in stock first. They start the commercial with a persuasive hook, including many deals. They lay the options out in front of you ...