Group Presentation.

 I chose the people in my group because they are the only people I actually feel pretty comfortable with someone that isn't school. I met George in the band and became friends with him. Last year we went on an overnight field trip and George and I spent time together. We continued to be friends up til now and both are still in the band. I met Juliana through the band as well. I mainly got to know her on the field trip too but started talking to her more later on in the year. I met Jocelyn in study hall last year and also had geometry with them. I went to Jocelyn quince around in January. George also attended the quince he was invited by Jocelyn. We all know each other by coincidence and all met each other on our own. I spend a good amount of time with the members of my group and we get along pretty well. We are all Hispanic. George plays trombone in the band. I play trumpet in the band. Juliana plays Bass drum in the band. Jocelyn likes art and paints and draws. George also likes to draw sometimes he got back into it recently. We hope to have fun in the process of working together on our projects and blogs.
we are in these group pictures.


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