Production Blog- 1st Day Filming

 My group and I went to the vinyl store (vinyl destination) and began to record our commercial. We chose to record on October 6 a Wednesday because we had no school so we were available. The meet-up time and location were at the store and the time was at 11:30 AM I got there around 11:20 as well as Jocelyn. The others had trouble getting there on time due to their parents having things to do. We began filming around 12:30 and there was no one in the store. Because there was no one in the store it made it easier for us to film. We started off trying to copy the storyboard we had by recording our first shot. Our first shot was of someone walking into the store. George recorded while Juliana walked into the store and me and Jocelyn were waiting. My job was to be in a few of the shots we had to film and I also pitched in some ideas for us to do in the commercial that weren't exactly in the storyboard. I also tried filming but it didn't go to well so we decided to let George keep filming. At one point of filming, we had to decide what record to buy and use for the commercial. We called one of Jocelyn and George's friends to decide what record they wanted because they were going to end up keeping it. Once we had the record we were going to purchase we recorded Juliana going to the record and choosing it out and then buying it. Once we finished purchasing and recording that part of the commercial the owner thanked us and we thank him and he gave us a sticker as a souvenir. The store and the owner were nice, it gave off a good feeling and made me feel welcomed. We plan on finishing our commercial over the weekend but will see how things go. We haven't been able to film again because Juliana went out of town. We had a lot of fun recording this part of our commercial and hope to continue having fun recording our other part of the commercial.


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