Critical Reflection Questions

 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

The music video was about a group of friends and how after a while 2 people in the group started dating and are happy together. This could challenge the idea that dating someone within a friend group is bad and can lead to problems. In the video, it shows that the 2 friends that started dating were happy and nothing bad was happening.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

People can relate to the music video because something similar might've happened to them before in their life. The part in the music video where one friend texts the rest of their friends and ask to hang out and then later they all are together and hanging out is something that most friend groups do nowadays.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 

This project helped me develop my filming skills since I was mainly filming most of the time. It also helped me open my mind more and help my creativity grow because I was the one who mainly came up with the story after they picked the song. Making a story for the song was a little hard but I managed to pull it off. So it helped me become more creative and better at making stories.

4. How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware and online-in this project?

For the project, I used a phone and a camera to record. I also used my phone to contact my teammates to schedule when we will film and what exactly I was going to do. I also did research for ideas and what to do for the storyboard. I also used software to help edit the project as needed.


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