Production Blog

 We havent been able to film yet

to be continued.....

Hello, my group and I haven't been able to film. We were planning on filming today but I and Jocelyn weren't available. George and Juliana were going to go film by themselves but they didn't end up having enough time. We are still trying to figure out a way to film but ran into too many problems. We have a problem. Juliana is leaving on Tuesday for vacation. With Juliana leaving early we are one group member short. We still plan on getting this project done as well as we can. We also still plan on getting Juliana in the music video in some way. Midterms are coming up so that can cause another problem. It would cause a problem because we would also need to be studying for our midterms. Which could leave less time for us to record. We are trying our best to fix our arrangements so we can film and get this music video done. The song we choose for the music video is "Just The Two Of Us". I am a little worried that we won't be able to finish the project on time. But I have a feeling we will be able to. I believe in my group and I to do the best we can do on this project and get it completed. I hope I get to have fun filming this project and that nothing bad happens. I am exited to begin filming this project and hope it is as fun as the other one. Have a good day!


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