Production Blog

 Today we were able to film. On Sunday night we all agreed and decided to film on Monday which is today. We went to school and after school, we met up at a location nearby. The location we decided to meet up by was dairy queen. We recorded a scene at dairy queen. It took us a few tries before we were able to get the right one. Then we went to a store nearby that sold empanadas. We recorded a scene there but still are debating if we are going to use it. This also took us a few tries to get right. We later went to a nearby park to get a different scene that we are going to use. While we were walking we filmed George and Juliana walking a bit and plan on using it. Oh yeah, George and Juliana are the two people mainly being filmed. Me and Jocelyn were there recording and doing other things.  After the park we went back to dairy queen to film a final clip we might've missed. Overall it was a fun day of filming. I enjoyed being able to be with my group and go to all these different locations and record and have fun. I hope we can do this another time. Recording this music video made me realize I should go out more instead of staying in. Anyways that's all I have to blog about. I hope we get this video done in time, have a good day bye!


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