Production Blog

Today is Wednesday, December 14. Yesterday Argentina played in the world cup semi-finals and thankfully won! I am very happy and excited about the final I hope that Argentina can win since it could be Messi's final world cup and he hasn't won a world cup yet. Anyway, I looked over the footage with the group and we are still deciding on exactly what clips to use. We are all stressed and I can tell. Who can blame us? With midterms around the corner, we are all anxious and worried wondering if we will do good. I've been studying a lot lately for my midterms. Hoping that I will do good and end the semester strong. We might need to go out and film another day though because we realized that we missed a shot that we needed for the film. We are still trying to figure out what to do since Juliana left for Brazil already and she was one of the main actors. I think we can come up with something though and hopefully soon. We are close to coming to a decision on the clips that will be used. We are also close to deciding what we are going to do about the missing pan shot. I think we might need to meet up again and film but only with me, George and Jocelyn. I think there might be an alternative way. But I still have to come up with something if we cant meet up. I hope we get to finish this video sooner rather than later. Thats all for today, Have a good day. Bye-bye!


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