Production Blog

 Today is Thursday, December 18. Yesterday France played in the semi-finals against Morocco. And surprisingly France won! It's surprising because of how good Morocco was doing. No team had scored on Morocco all tournament but like all things, it must come to an end. No matter how much I was rooting for Morocco to win I can't deny that Sunday's game with Argentina and France will be nerve-wracking. Anyway, we fixed the problem with the pan shot. We all came to an agreement that someone would record a pan shot of their room. That way we don't need to plan arrangements to see each other. Since we are all busy this was our best option. Jocelyn decided to do the pan shot of their room. We are all grateful for Jocelyn. I have been making suggestions on what clips and where in the song they should be put. We are testing the scene with the song to make sure it fits. Hopefully, it does and it makes sense to anyone who watches it. I feel like we did a pretty decent job with our music video. I am proud of the work that I and my group have done. We are planning to start editing soon. I hope that when we finish this video you guys enjoy us having fun. Thank you for listening to me. Until next time, adios!


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