Production Blog

 Today at school it was a white day. I don't really enjoy my white days for many reasons. Having the white day made me start to worry about next week and midterms and realize I have a lot of work to do. Next week is midterm week and the week before winter break. I am excited about winter break but worried about midterms. I am worried that I won't do good on the midterms and then that I won't end the semester well. I hope that I will do good on all of my midterms. Next week I will study all day and night and week. I will still try my best to contribute to the music video project as well as I can. Our music video is coming along pretty well at the moment. Right now we are trying to get the correct audio for our music video so it sounds good. We are almost close to getting the right music at the right times with editing but we are still working on it. I am studying and working on making sure that my grades are the best they can be. I hope that I end this quarter and semester strong and with good grades. I hope to contribute more to the music video. I am very excited to continue working on the video and hanging out with friends. I think that these videos that we are filming could help us a lot with expanding our knowledge of production. I have learned a lot from the last video project and hope to learn more from this one. I look forward to continuing filming. Until next time, bye-bye!


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