Group blog

 Hey, it's me again, I am back. Its time to write another blog. This time I will be writing about my group and why I chose them. I am working with the same group and people I worked with on the other projects. Those people are George, Juliana and Jocelyn and me. I decided to work with them because I already worked with them and well why change people? We have all gotten used to each other and work well with each other. The other projects we have worked on came out well so I hope this one comes out well again. I have a busy schedule coming up so I hope I don't let my group down. Either way we are all sorta busy but can work it out. Me, George and Juliana are in band and Jocelyn is in theater. Im not sure exactly what we are planning on doing yet but that'll come soon. Depending on what we decide to do for this video will determine what I will be in charge of. I have come up with a few ideas on what our video should be about but they are a bit eh. We are al working together trying to come up with an idea we all agree upon. Its a little hard though we all have different ideas and want different things. Hopefully this doesnt cause us any problems when wanting to film. We have to learn to agree and i think we can by the time we have to film. Anyway i think thats it for now. Until next time, byeee!


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