Intro Blog

 Hello again, once again my name is Jean Sanchez. I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale Florida and have lived here my whole life. The last time I did one of these I think I had 1 dog, now I have 2. I now have a new pomsky named Miko. I still also still have my yorkie Chewbacca (he is my favorite). Then I still have my cat coco, so it could get pretty chaotic in my house. I am also still doing band with the marching and now symphonic band at my school as a trumpet player. I quit working out for awhile I found myself too busy to keep working out so I had to quit for now. I plan on going back to the gym in the near future. Recently I have rekindled my love for collecting pokemon cards, I have been getting back into it pretty quickly. I plan on making money off it too, I have some cards that have good value and plan on purchasing ones that could be good in value. I have already filmed the commercial project and the music video. I learned a lot from making the commercial and music video. I plan on using everything I learned from the previous 2 projects on this project. I am excited to film this video and can't wait to see what it turns out. Lately, I've been pretty busy. Despite my busy schedule I still hope to do good on my video. I am trying to fix my schedule and make time to get with my group and do the video. So that's about all I've been up to recently, oh yeah, and school still trying to get my Cambridge diploma! Thats it for this blog, until next time, bye!


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