Title Research: Art of the Title and Watch the Titles websites

For the first website researched for titles, we came across 'Watch The Titles!' through Google searches. In Watch The Titles, the website immediately gives categories to what the visitory, in this case us, wants to see: student projects, tv shows, and featured movies. The site was large in the movies in their catalog. They had animated titles, titles made with CGI, and so many other titles. The site was able to meet our needs when it came to researching what we needed for our project. In the descriptions of every title sequence, the site gave background information to each title for each movie. For example, through the website we were able to learn the common camera angles and the elements included within horror title cards. The reason that our group decided to use this website as a method of research is because of the vast titles it contains, as well as the detailed background and process behind the titles. With this site, we are able to understand the title creation, not just from a surface level, but more of an in depth level. The site helped us research a vast amount of titles, from what we want as horro to what our title could've been as another genre. 

For one of the website researched for titles, we came across a site called "Art of the Title" through our searches on Google. In Art of the Title, the website gives us a variety of titles that we are able to reseatch about from a variety of genres with what seems to be endless titles. From the site, my group was able to use the large catalog of titles to be able to research what our title could be and whar our title would need to be. The website gives the beginning clip of many movies, but doesn't necessarily include any aditional details. For example, every movie is given the credits of who decined the titles and who the cinematography is by. However, the website does allow for our group to analyze the titles of other websites in order to see what our genre of movie should look like for our final project. What separeates this website from the others seems to be its full list of movies that assists us in being able to use a variety of movies to compare what our title could seem as. There are plenty of movies that align with our genre, but also movies that allow for us to see examples of other genres to see what we would rather avoid or what we could cross with. With the variety of titles, the website allows for our group to do extensive reseatch on what we should include. It allows for complete dive into the genre that we wish to ressearch, in our case being horror.


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