Production Blog 6

My group and I still haven't been able to film. Juliana works everyday day. George also works everyday of the week. and Jocelyn also works. On top of that me, George and Juliana have band everyday of the week. We decided to film this weekend on Sunday. Jocelyn has to ask for permission. I also have to ask for permission because I don't know if my parents will let me go. I hope they let me go because I am playing the victim. I hope we are able to film and do what we need to do. I will try my best to make it to the filming date. We've mostly been planning because we just cant cant a date and time together. We feel like we dont need that much time and that we can get it done quickly. The problem is that all of my group works and they cant call off anymore. They said they used all of their sick days and days off so they cant use anymore. I hope we are able to film Sunday and that nothing goes wrong.


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