Production Blog 7

 We weren't able to film Sunday like we planned. Something important came up for me and I couldn't make it. I told them that they could film without me or find a replacement. They didn't want to though and that's okay we rescheduled. The new day we plan on filming is Thursday. We hope Thurdsday works for us because we have a PSD day that day and have nothing planned after school. The only issue that can happen is that me, George and Juliana end up having band rehearsal because its unsure at the moment. We plan on skipping it thought because we need to film. The other issue is that me and Jocelyn aren't sure if we are going to be able to get a ride to Juliana's house. Our parent's don't let us ride in peoples cars that they don't know. I am trying to figure out a way to make it to Juliana's house to film. I rearrange ride's or ask my parent's so I can get a ride from Juliana's parent's. 


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