Production blog: First day fimlming

 We finally had the time to film. It was a PSD day and we me, George and Juliana didn't have band so we decided to film. The filming went well. We edited the script a little because it just didn't feel right. We had trouble trying to film because George wanted to use a real camera but it didn't have any battery. We ended up using his phone for the majority of the film because he has the best phone which has the best camera. We actually began filming around 1pm even though we got out at 11:40am. It took us awhile to get there and to figure out how we were going to do stuff. Juliana ended up having to leave around 3pm for therapy. Luckily we had already filmed every scene we needed her for so it was okay because we didn't really need her any more. Me and Jocelyn continued to do the scenes while George recorded. The final scene is what took us the most time to do and is what we struggled with. We kept messing up and had to keep redoing it. We eventually got it and decided to use the clip we got. Juliana came home before we got the final shot and then we made sure that we got the right amount of time for the film. We did and now we just have to edit.


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