Group Blog

 Hello again, i’m back today to talk about my group that I will be working with on this project. At first I was going to work alone. I wanted to work alone because my previous group didn’t take A level media. I didn’t know anyone in the class i have right now but I made some new friends but I just didn’t feel like i could work with them. I was going to join a group but there was miscommunication and it didn’t work out. Then my friend wanted to group with me but then there was another miscommunication. I then decided to work alone but at the still time looking for someone to work with. Everyone i went to was pretty much in a group and if there was still room I didn’t feel comfortable working with someone I didn’t really know since we would be spending time together. I then started started asking if anyone knew anyone who didn’t have a group and I heard of some people but I didn’t really know them. I never worked alone on anything in media so this new to me. I hope this goes well and the project goes well. I hope the workload isn’t too much for me to handle. I’m pretty exited to work on this project. I know i’m working alone but still i’m pretty exited. I feel like it’ll be more fun if i worked with a group but I think i’ll be fine. Well that’s it for this blog. I hope you have a good day! See you on the next 

Me working solo.


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